Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Devcast 10: 11 visual pins

You thought it would be Sunsweet again this week, but it is in fact I, [Sex_Ferguson]! This week we talked about NXT, the releases of NXT, the first hour of Smackdown. Why does no one watch Smackdown? Even us who say we're gonna watch Smackdown? That's the power of Smackdown! We also talk about Wrestler Nudes and why Blank will not stop fucking bringing up wrestler nudes, holy shit dude. We did not talk about Total Divas this week because we watched Extreme Rules instead, MAYBE THINK TO NOT FUCKING AIR TOTAL DIVAS ON THE NIGHT OF A PPV E!? Whatever, it's a shorter show than usual so if you're taking one particularly long dump it'll go by relatively fast.

Alexander Rusev will crush you and everybody in your hometown if you don't listen to us.

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